with Todd Nielsen

Don't focus on all the "negative" characteristics heaped on Millennials. They have much to offer and you need to attract and keep them in your organization. Like it or not, they are going to make up more and more of your workforce as Baby Boomers retire and the next generations take their place.

Research shows that on-boarding is an important predictor of retention, and it is time to update orientation practices to meet the needs of the transitioning work force.

Together, we will:

1. Differentiate the expectations of different generations and discuss how that relates to onboarding

2. Reveal strategies for powerful orientation/onboarding practices to build engagement and retention

3. Discuss how the EQ competencies of your team may lead to specific roles in orienting new staff

Your Presenter: Mary Beth Debus is President of Program Savvy Consulting, an organization with a mission of strengthening capacity within the nonprofit community. She works in 4 primary areas: Facilitation; Training Design and Delivery; Program and Organizational Development; and Coaching Individuals and Teams. Mary Beth includes the Matrix Insights assessments and development platform in her individual and team coaching. For more information, visit her website at www.programsavvy.com and connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marybethdebus/

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