Scott Savage Consulting LLC, Scott Savage, M.A.,P.C.

Matrix Insights provides powerful tools which leverage my work as a coach and consultant. I’ve enjoyed consulting with MBTI and other tools for more than 30 years, but “The Matrix” has brought me into the 21st century. It helps me to serve my clients better, faster, deeper, and with greater impact.

The web-based interface and recursive approach keep the learning front and center with participants over the long haul. This is the furthest thing from the old style ‘one and done’ approach to personality and leadership workshops.

With international authority Dr. Roger Pearman behind the scenes, the research is bullet-proof. And, the Matrix is totally focused on behavior, learning and performance. I’ve been using it with good results in higher education, tech, science and nonprofit organizations.

Using the Matrix, my clients can conduct their assessments and absorb the rich content asynchronously in their own time. Some of them revisit the lessons multiple times. Then in our group and individual sessions we target application of the material to their team and leadership realities. And the video based modules are more accessible to some learning styles than a more traditional print-only content platform.

Last, but not least, the support team gets an A+ (I also teach in the school of business). They are responsive, zero in on the specific help I need, and clearly are walking the talk of the Matrix. They provide patient, individualized attention to help me through the learning curve and to provide the best service to my clients.

Matrix Insights has been a huge benefit in my consulting practice. I’ve discontinued or reduced my use of several other tools, including other personality tools and 360’s, because The Matrix covers those applications. It is making a great difference for my clients and me in our organization development work.

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