Past Webinars with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.

Neuro Secrets of NJs, with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.
How does Type play out in the brain? And how can you apply those insights? We'll look at the 4 iNuiting-Judging (aka NJ) Types. Includes specific bullet-pointed advice.

Neuro Secrets of NP's, with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.
We'll look at the 4 iNuiting-Perceiving (aka NP) Types. The results are based on 11 years of lab research, and Include specific bullet-pointed advice.

Neuro Secrets of SPs, with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.
How does Type play out in the brain? And how can you apply those insights? Come learn how.

Neuro Secrets of SJ's, with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.
You will learn how our brains differ and leave with training and coaching Type tips based on the Neuroscience of Personality.

On brain-savvy leadership
Do you or your client have a leader's brain? What does that even mean?

On the Neuroscience of Personality.
What's the science behind personality types? Wish you could read an employee's mind? Want more confidence and clarity with the tools you know and love?